Call For Growth Programs To Spend Treasury Tokens

I’m with Over Analyser on this, I don’t see the need to give tokens away just to meet the goal of more distribution as this increases DPI AUV at the cost of devaluing $index. It should work the other way around where we just get our heads down and build cool stuff, which attracts more people to come in and do the same. These people in turn contribute to the Coop and are rewarded $index for their effort. This has a two-fold effect of increasing distribution while making sure the tokens get into the hands of the right users, specifically those who are invested in what we are doing.

The affiliate program is an example, I see giving out tokens to people with large followings/for shilling as undermining the whole point of Index Coop. If those people wanted to contribute there is nothing stopping them joining the Discord to say hi, announcing their intention to spread the word and coming back a few weeks later with some engagement numbers to show they have added value. I feel like approaching influencers undermines the efforts of other community members and is ‘the tail wagging the dog’ approach.

That’s not to say we can’t advertise rewards for things that are vital or needed in the short term if no one has stepped forward from within the Coop. I think we could do with someone to produce artwork for things like the newsletter (Yearn example) that can be standardised and used across all our comms/sites.

So the ideas OA proposed above seem decent as they help us gather data or push forward in areas that are needed, and should be rewarded. There is nothing stopping an Index Coop member from picking up those tasks and running with them right now tbh. But I disagree with giving out tokens prior to someone doing useful work, just because of perceived influence. Every token that is distributed inflates away value for other holders.

A solution could be to have a ‘bounties’ page that we market externally and leave up and running in the discord. We could discuss in gov calls, on the forum/discord about pressing issues and agree what is beyond the current team’s workload. Aside from that individual Hoots/Talons etc team members should be able to pin smaller bounties at their discretion (10-30 index lets say). Tagging @anon10525910 here because it could form the final steps of the onboarding process to pick up smaller bounties shortly after members join.

I think this approach keeps the $index token valuable because it can only be obtained thru PoW and aligns with our values of being builders and do-ers.