Community Ownership & Compensation | V2 Proposal


Can you share the holistic budget for the following in one place for us to look at ?

  • Air Drop 1.5%
  • Wages (ref. here)
  • DSM
  • Full Time Packages

All of these scheme form part of a holistic contributor package. So they should all be apart of the same conversation and not acted on separately. The high level question, still unanswered is how much do we pay for human capital ? What do all these schemes amount to for an individual ?

Currently, these initiatives are all fragmented with no holistic financial planning. With out an holistic overview, it is very hard to have an informed discussion. For instance, I used this months contributor reward distribution and over a 5 year is more than half the proposed ownership package. Without doing a full deep dive, I think all these programs risk breaking the bank. We will need to choose between investing in growth or retaining people.

Of the 5 Gold Owls who will walk if this proposal does not fly, how many were apart of building the model ?
Was it 3 feathering their own nest.

I am unique here, this airdrop and DSM program does not change my commitment to Index Coop. If no change was made, my actions would be the same. If someone needs to be paid a lot more than gold or full time to be retained, then won’t they just leave as soon as the yield tapers ? I don’t like the pay me more or I leave stance.

More broadly, collectively as a community, we don’t know the organisation structure we want nor how many people it needs to function efficiently. Perhaps knowing what we need is a better place to start rather than 4 different renumeration structures and 5 different owl levels. It just seems a bit backwards is all.

The greatest ROI is founding a DAO, not working for an established DAO. This model does not, and never will come close to bridging that gap. Top talent will always end up working for itself. If you are Gold or above, the real money is beyond the coop. Hence why this program does nothing to retain someone like me.