IIP-98: Finance Nest and Talent, Ops and Change Working Group

I hope I didn’t butcher this math or am missing something obvious – apologies in advance if so – but just comparing this IIP with the top-line total $ amounts from the respective proposals isn’t totaling for me:

F.Nest = $182,760 (pulled from F.Next Q4 proposal)
TOC = $163,742 (pulled from TOC WG Q4 proposal
Total = $346,502

$390,000 requested above

I considered if the difference could be explained by using different TWAP for INDEX, but the proposals mentioned $35… and $34.20 is used in this IIP. So not significant enough to explain the ~$43k difference.

I trust in our accounting wizards to point out where I went wrong or the reason for the difference.

[EDIT: I’ve realized the difference is likely due to the 15% safety adjustment. Please confirm if that is indeed the case.]