IIP-XY: Update Community Treasury Multisig

@Matthew_Graham, it sounds like you are are feeling blocked from doing your work and i want to learn how I can help ensure you’re unblocked. That must be frustrating… DM’ing you to continue this specific convo.

That said, the treasury multisig is a complex & very high-impact topic. I think this is why the Index 2.0 crew suggested that it get its own workshop.

This is a conversation that we should have as a community so that we can get all the information on the table & get clear on the vision & goals before landing on the best solution.

I recommend we get workshop(s) scheduled ASAP and start tackling this. Do you want to work with me to get the workshop(s) on the books?

Let’s work towards shared goals together :raised_hands: AND quickly – I appreciate your desire to make moves, we share that.

We also share the desire to decentralize and hand over control to, as you put it, “better reflect the Index Coop community we are today” and “put the communities funds into the control of the community.”

All this alignment makes me confident and excited :owl:

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