INDEX.labs - an idea to consider

@overanalyser If I understand correctly, your intention with INDEX.labs is to make it easier to launch simple funds (i.e. simple sector/AUM indices like DPI, MVI, or Data Economy Index (DATA)).

I left a detailed comment on @puniaviision Engineering and Product Constraints challenging the assumption that Set Engineering resources are actually a requirement for launching a simple index - I do not not believe they are.

I manage my a chunk of my personal portfolio with a Gnosis Safe multisig as a Social Trader on the TokenSets platform (see the BEST Portfolio).

Based on my current understanding, my view is that we can launch simple index products by having @dylan and the Engineering Working Group transfer rebalancing responsibilities to this group that you have outlined:

@dylan @ncitron @richard @puniaviision Please sign me up for whatever group is working on unblocking launching simple index products! I am happy to document processes, do manual rebalances, etc.