Moving MVI in-line With the Fee Split Model

Thanks to you both for the highly professional approach to your FT contribution, your incredibly hard work and despite this your availability to respond to the numerous sollicitations of an aspiring community methodologist like me for insights or guidance …

Knowing what it’s like to cumulate multiple commitments inside and outside crypto, it’s going to be a big loss for the Coop but a big win for your own balance to be able to focus on the areas and activities you’re most passionate about. And as @Lavi said I’m sure you won’t be too difficult to find anyway ! :wink:

Making the community methodologist role evolve from there is at the same time a flattering but challenging heritage :nerd_face:. If I judge by the first feedback received via different channels about the iRobot Working Group idea, this seems like a first step in the good direction.

Pending the community’s formal approval and obviously a successful DG2 vote for iRobot, the focus will be on launching successfully and making this framework sustainable as quickly as possible. But once it works, why not effectively replicating it for other products !

I also find the concept of sub-DAO quite interesting and something that I would be ready to explore with for example, but once the simplest “legos” are already in place :brick: