Moving MVI in-line With the Fee Split Model

We proposed the final DATA index IIP with the new fee structure you are proposing for MVI specifically because we thought it would boost revenue substantially and create a better product for index holders.

I got mint/redeem volume data for DPI and MVI back in July from @jdcook to create a revenue model for this exact fee structure. My model implied that this fee structure would increase simple index profits by ~50% over standard 95 bps streaming fee.

I’ll defer here to @Cavalier_Eth and EWG, but we are expecting this to be done for DATA and are awaiting an ETA because EWG is not able to support at launch. I’d imagine that if this work is completed for DATA it could be readily applied to MVI given that they are both simple index products?

Not anything major, but I both agree and disagree with this. I only disagree because mint/redeem is untested for simple index products at Index Cooperative. Do I believe it will be more profitable for DATA? Yes. Do I think it’s an that we want to do before applying to across the board? Absolutely.

I don’t think there is any reason that fee structure for products needs to be decided by the Index Coop (meaning coin voting) instead of by methodologists themselves. Methodologists should be rational, profit-maximizing actors. I cannot imagine that you and @DarkForestCapital as MVI methodologists and DFP as DPI methodologists would not want to convert to this model if it proves profitable for DATA. I’m not sure why we would want to burden tokenholders with these kinds of decisions when methodologists are already incentivized to act in a way that also maximize profits for Index Coop.

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