Moving MVI in-line With the Fee Split Model

I can only reiterate what @0x_Dev touched on above. I understand the reasoning for this proposal and it makes sense to have both of you focus 100% on MVI, to make this product an even bigger success than it already is.
You’ll definitely be missed! Your inputs and commitments to this community were invaluable. However, my guess is that we will still see you guys contribute here and there, given the deep context and know-how you have collected since joining (fingers crossed) :wink:

I understand that this post is a first step to discuss the structure of the MVI methodologist internally, as well as where this sits within IC.
We currently have the external methodologist role (like DPF and Titans of Data), we have the community methodologist, and @Monportefeuille is exploring a new way in the form of a WG-like structure. Personally, I find the latter a very interesting idea, and I’d like to see this being explored for the iRobot product (if it passes DG2).
A long the lines of these possibilities, do you guys already have a preference for where you see the MVI methodologist role in the future? Let me know if I’m already jumping the discussion.