**POLL ADDED** Proposal: Engineering Working Group Request for Funding

Brief table setting

  • I’m putting on my “Funding Council” hat to pose questions (See Q4 Working Group Guidance to learn more about Working Group proposals)
  • My intent is to ask the questions that ping in my mind with the hope that they help the entire Coop better understand the proposal and thinking behind it.
  • Questions are pretty much posed in the order the topic appears in the post.
  • If a question doesn’t make sense or is entirely off-base, do call it out :slightly_smiling_face:

In addition to seeking guidance, is there anything else that we do to address the lack of visibility?

Perhaps a question that spans PWG <> EWG, posing it nonetheless in case anything comes to mind.

Noting above that one problem is “There aren’t enough experienced smart contract developers to go around and hiring them has proven difficult,” what sort of engineers are being sought for recruitment/onboarding?

How are we thinking about doing this?

Just noting that this is helpful context - thanks for adding it.