Process for requesting supplier payments from the Ops account

Hi Renee,

In terms of your example for SEO payments there is no change in the process other than filling out the google form. The spreadsheet is in the same format as the one you are currently filling out. This process will just provide better documentation and a smoother payment process, rather than these conversations happening in DM’s.

As Elliott has highlighted in your case there is no need for Nest approval or any additional steps before submitting. Those conversations with your lead are only relevant if your expense is outside the scope of the nest’s season 1 budget, or are overspending.

Currently we are still in the process of obtaining a DAO credit card. The process will be the same as before at the moment, where you request to be reimbursed in USDC. I will update the wording as I can see the wording is confusing, we will provide an update when the credit card is obtained.

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