Lively debate here, and I’m glad to see it, but it risks vibing badly.
Handing out tokens to people from the treasury is scary, especially when the value is depressed already. I’m instinctively against it. But …there is a huge but. One that I find hard to articulate appropriately as someone who stands to benefit, as I do. There is much talk beyond the forum though, and perhaps this can capture some sentiment.
Many Coop members have supported and voted FOR changes to the Coop’s structure and hiring process with the idea that they would later be part of an airdrop along with a staking mechanism.
That notion was clear:
[IIP-118: Priority Hiring Guidelines and directional commitment to the DSM & Airdrop](IIP-118: Priority Hiring Guidelines and directional commitment to the DSM & Airdrop included a show of 87% support from 54 votes and passed snapshot 100% FOR with 115k INDEX and 61 votes,
in Compensation & Community Ownership - Next Steps @jdcook noted the intent to ‘reward contributors who have helped build the Coop to current day’)
…and its repeated in many other places.
Now, it looks like the draw bridge is being raised. ‘Our Priority Hiring process has already provided generous compensation to the core team’ as @Pepperoni_Joe points out, and here, it seems, some are saying they will vote against.
As @mel.eth wrote ‘there are too many open ended questions for this to be considered a proposal that is close to being something I’d vote for’ which makes it look bad that, as a proposer, @Matthew_Graham says he’s voting AGAINST. I have the utmost respect for the work Matthew does in the Coop, I like it when our paths cross, and I truly believe him a solid part of Coop successes. I value his honesty here, but it whiffs a bit - how can you craft a fit proposal when you’re going to vote against it?
The core team, the best compensated people, who likely can afford not to sell to cover expenses, who will be able to stake the most, if they vote this down, then it is the worse off, those who sold to cover expenses, those without the capital or the owl level to really benefit from a DSM without an airdrop, who will be left cold. A vote against from those who arrived in their position in part thanks to the votes of many others seems, well, rich.
I agree with a lot of the reasons for not doing the airdrop and I don’t mean badly with what I have written. I almost didn’t post. But, thoughts are often common to many, so maybe my writing is not without warrant.