Similar to my response in GWG III, my thinking about this proposal is influenced the vantage point that Coop may be spending ~$778,000 on growth in Q3 between GWG + BD + IB, as well as Q3 priorities.
Diving into questions
Super curious:
- How many of these have we received?
- How many of we closed?
Centralized Exchange Listings
Noticing that 24 volume on KuCoin is ~$19,000 – Do we think HNW & Institutions buy from exchanges?
I’m curious to learn why this is a focus of this group.
On What Impact will this project have?
- Echoing similar sentiment expressed by others, and similar to what I expressed with @Pepperoni_Joe’s proposal, the GWG III proposal and my comment in Investor Relations Q2 and Beyond
- I appreciate the idea that uSupply and uTVL may rise if this WG is successful. However, it will be tough to link, “more custodian listings” with “increase in total holders" since there are a number of factors that influence total holders
- So, what are some specific outcomes ? i.e. # custodians closed, # exchange listings, etc…
What does “expanded secure purchasing options” mean?
We are requesting a budget of $60,000 and 2,550 INDEX over the next three months.
- Works out to a total of ~$111,000, if my math is proper (use the June 20-day MA for the INDEX denominated stipend).
- Curious, what licenses & industry associations are needed?
- What is “regional coverage”?
- What bounties do you expect to put out? Could you explain a bit more about how you approach the bounties vs contributor rewards?
- On the $20,000 request for events
- $10K to run an event – How do we know if these are successful?
- What outcomes were generated by the event in NYC? What learnings were generated from putting on that event? Do all events cost $10,000?
- $10K to attend events – what conferences do you have lined up? What industry events do you plan to attend and hold side events?
- Note to self that “Exchange Listings - Requests will be made outside of the working group funding”