Request for Discussion: Data Economy Index (DATA)

Hey @0x_Dev - appreciate the thoughtful comments! Here is my thinking on some of your concerns:

@0x_Dev I hear your concern about wanting more tokens in the DATA index - that is definitely the long-term goal! I think it will happen naturally as the Data Economy grows and matures, just like DeFi did, but there are also some current technological limitations preventing this from happening today.

DATA’s scope already covers the decentralized cloud and much more.

The reason DATA does not include tokens in what you are calling the decentralized cloud (data, compute, query, graph, etc.) has nothing to do with the Token Inclusion Criteria of DATA. Decentralized data storage projects Filecoin ($5.4B ), Siacoin ($0.85B), Arweave ($0.55B), and Akash Network ($0.2B) are all excluded because they are not ERC-20 tokens. This is a technological, not methodological limitation. DATA would already include these projects if Ethereum and Set Protocol supported cross-chain interoperability.

If we wanted to include Filecoin in DATA at launch we would need to use wrapped Filecoin (WFIL) or renFIL (renFIL). Siacoin, Arweave, and Akash Network do not have wrapped or derivative tokens as ERC-20 tokens at the present time.

@0x_Dev Do these points address your concerns or do you still have reservations? My main point is that we plan to include decentralized cloud projects in the DATA index when it is technologically feasible to do so.