Add Snapshot Voting Support to Meta-governance

Putting out recommendations for meta-governance votes was part of the vision for the investment committee.

From the proposal - “Meta-governance is an important responsibility for the Coop. So far, it is active for UNI, COMP and AAVE. Analyst for these tokens will need to understand their governance proposals and write up a summary as well as a recommendation for how $INDEX holders should vote on each new proposal.”

The problem we have run into is time. Understanding these tokens, their business models and all the details enough to be able to provide analysis on governance proposals takes a lot of time as @Lavi, @Matthew_Graham and @bluehills can attest to. With all the other work going on in the Coop, we realized that we are rather time-constrained and that, perhaps, the investment committee could be spun out as a separate working group if 1) the community finds the output & the goals of the committee valuable eoungh to justify a separate working group and 2) there are community members who have the desire and capacity to take this on.