DPI Streaming Fees Returned to INDEX

Distributing fees to INDEX holders does not change. fundamentals at all since INDEX holders will always have a claim on those tokens. They can vote to distribute them in anyway they want at any time so treasury and projected revenue should already be priced in regardless of the current distribution mechanism. Even if it did change fundamentals, our fees are so low we would be spending almost as much in gas to deploy contracts and send claim txs as we would be receiving in fees so there’s not much economic incentive anyway. 2,000 INDEX holders * $4 per claim tx = $8,000 which is ~25% of DPI value in treasury) For most holders that means they are spending more in gas then they receive in DPI

yea capitalism is a bit off topic but we have a fundamental disagreement in that I don’t think humans need to be incentivized, they just need the proper environment to pursue what they are internally motivated to do. Capitalism is a terrible incentive mechanism on a societal scale. Free markets are best used as metabolic regulation pointing us in the right direction which can lead to ‘wealth accumulation’ if so desired (e.g. in capitalism)