DRAFT: IIP-XYZ: Meta-Governance 2.0: Executive Productivity

Hello everyone, Figue, core member of Paladin,

You might have heard about us in this proposal as well as this AMA with Crypto Texan.

Our vote lending protocol is compatible with $INDEX and has been ready for two months. We have not deployed it yet because we believe that its current setup was not compatible with values of the coop and it wasn’t enough value additive for the protocol.

Here are the following challenges I understood from the above messages

  • Meta-governance is globally acknowledged as highly valuable but undervalued and under-used under the current Index meta-governance setup ;
  • Reduce infrastructure cost of running meta-governance while venturing into yield bearing opportunities for DPI ;
  • Maintain the Coop’s values, namely empowering smaller holders ;

I’d like to add :

  • Avoiding extra smart contract risks ;
  • Reducing plutocratic excesses.

Also, some tokens in DPI are simply not compatible with vote lending.

With a regular Paladin Lending pool I believe that Paladin is a solution for almost everything (let me know if you want me to develop some points) outside of defending the Coop’s values.

However, as some of you might have seen with our newest dApp, Warden, we’re committed to build high quality bespoke vote lending platforms for specific tokens / protocols.

Here’s what I have in mind :

  • Enable fractional voting for DPI (let me know if not feasible) ;

  • Create a custom Paladin Pool that allows for vote lending while letting the Coop vote with all unborrowed voting power ;

  • Make DPI the vote lending payment method ;

What do you think ?