Growth on Optimism - Application to Op Gov Fund

We hope you’ve followed the launch of the OP token and governance? So far, we have not seen any involvement in the Optimism governance process or on this forum and wanted to recommend getting engaged.

The Op team has allocated a large part of their treasury for retroactive public goods funding (20%), user airdrops (19%) and an ecosystem fund (25%) including a governance fund (5.4%) and partner fund (5.4%).

Projects currently building on Optimism or planning to build on Optimism can apply to the Governance Fund right now during Voting Cycle 2. As it ends soon, you can also prepare a proposal for one of the next Phases.

Your friends from Galleon have already drafted a proposal and we’d look forward to an official IndexCoop proposal. There are many areas to collaboratively spur sustainable growth & activity on the Optimism network, leverage the low-cost Op environment and co-incentives for example for

  • Index - Eth Liquidity
  • IndexCoop Product - Eth Liquidity
  • Incentivizing builders to leverage IndexCoop products

We know this comes at an unpleasant time - (Good luck to all contributors!) - but believe this is a good opportunity for the IndexCoop to cost-efficiently improve liquidity on Index-Eth, enable more people to invest in IndexProducts and not miss the launch of one of the most promising l2 ecosystems on Ethereum.

We would very much support a reasonable proposal in the OP governance which doesn’t even require a large amount of matching co-incentives if we see long-term alignment :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll second this and also say Balancer & BeethovenX would be thrilled to support either INDEX or index product (DPI, MVI, etc) liquidity on Optimism. This is a natural fit since Balancer and the Coop are collaborating on future products built on top of Managed Pools.

We can also offer additional incentives from our Optimism proposal - I don’t think you’ll find a better deal anywhere else. I’m also a Delegate so happy to offer input on the process or review your draft if the Coop decides to pursue this opportunity.

Cheers! :heart: