IIP: 154
Status: Proposed
Author(s): @afromac
Reviewed: @sixtykeys
Discussions-to: [IIP 154: Fund Gitcoin GR14 with $50,000 USDC]
Created: [05-27-2022]
Quorum: [5% of Votable Supply]
Simple Summary
This proposal is for Index Coop to fund the next Gitcoin Round with $50,000 USDC to contribute to an initiative to assist with crypto and web3 regulations.
Gitcoin is a community of internet citizens with a shared mission to build and fund digital public goods. Index Coop has an opportunity to contribute to the next funding round, GR14. This funding round will contribute funds to grantees that are organizations that allocate a significant portion of their resources to advocating for a regulatory environment that promotes and supports web3 and/or produce research on web3’s potential for good. By contributing $50,000 USDC Index Coop can contribute towards this important initiative.
Motivation & Specification
The recent crisis around UST/LUNA has led to a renewed push for crypto regulations broadly, and stablecoins specifically in Washington.
GR14 has been created to enhance funding for organisations that are working to ensure the voice of the web3 industry is represented during these discussions and subsequent legislation. By funding this round, Index Coop helps to create a more appropriate regulatory framework, while also signalling that we are a conscientious and concerned actor in the space.
Do fund Gitcoin GR14 with $50,000 from Index Coop Treasury
Do not fund Gitcoin GR14
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