IIP-46: Security - Operations & Investment Account

diving rrrrright on into question/notes :swimming_man:

Question one is the biggie and then the rest dig into the the role of the TWG.


Supposing this proposal as-is gets voted in, what is the impact for the Coop? Is it simply, “two, empty multi-sig addresses will exist”?

  • If this is simply the case 1) my below-questions may be moot for this proposal 2) it seems like we can expect a subsequent proposal that covers funding amounts & responsibilities & the sunsetting of the Treasury Wallet

Given that many of the payments below (via (TWG - Operations Account) aren’t actually happening today (smart treasury, distribution of rewards as stablecoins, KPI rewards, etc.)

  • Is approving this IIP approving those unexecuted programs?
  • What specifically is the Operations account responsible for funding?
  • Is the TWG Operations account a decision making body that decides what gets funded? Or is it a guidance body that shares the impact of potential spending? (or some other option I’m missing)

Which responsibilities are being transitioned from* the Treasury Committee to the TWG?

I’m a bit hazy on the motivation

  • What is the motivation behind this? In the explanation above I see mentions of the Treasury Committee, the Treasury Wallet, overseeing Coop finances, a deep dive on Gnosis multi sigs and more

Confirming understanding

Under this proposal, the TWG Operations account will control the following payments

  • Methodologist Rewards
  • Smart Treasury
  • Liquidity Mining Framework
  • Full Time Employee Package
  • Distribution of Community Rewards in Stable Coins, wETH & INDEX
  • Contributor Token Ownership Plan
  • KPI Rewards Program
  • Governance Mining
  • Working Groups

Source: TWG - Operations Account