IIP-59-Final: Data Economy Index (DATA)

Thank you for your input, @trx314 - Titans of Data is very interested to hear your perspective and suggestions to improve the proposal and signal good intentions for the vote!

We respectfully disagree with two specific points you made - could you elaborate more on our responses below?

Without the off-boarding clause, Titans of Data has almost no negotiating power post-launch. The only guarantee we will have is that the fee split agreed upon in the DATA Methodologist Fee Split Offer cannot be changed without our consent.

Do you disagree? Why do you think Titans of Data would have more negotiating power given that DATA becomes a huge success after launching with Index Coop?

Titans of Data needs credible commitments from the Index Coop that signal its good faith.

The Index Cooperative presented Titans of Data with an official offer which we accepted.

Having multiple Index Coop FT contributors / working group leads signal publicly and privately that they do not support the offical offer that they helped create does not signal “negotiating in good faith” to Titans of Data.

Still, we are listening to and considering eleventh hour changes to the final proposal that would reduce or minimize concerns with the off-boarding clause. This is Titans of Data signaling its good faith to work with the Index Coop and negotiate fairly.

What changes would you suggest making that reduce off-boarding risk to the Index Coop without Titans of Data throwing away its negotiating power?