OK, I think it makes sense to reframe the vote here.
The poll I proposed yesterday was based on two considerations:
- The polls here Liquidity mining strategy - starter for 10 - #36 by LemonadeAlpha
- my understanding that IIP’s / snapshot votes should have two options (and ideally 1 should be for no action)
So, I grouped them together.
However, it’s apparent that such a proposal does not have overwhelming support. So I think it is in everyone’s interest to split them so we can attempt to achieve consensus (ideally without going to snapshot).
In order to allow us to keep m moving the discussion forward, I’m going to add 2 polls to this post:
- UNIswap incentives at 700 INDEX per day
- Sushiswap incentives at 700 INDE per day.
Then add some logic:
- If both get overwhelming FOR votes (I believe > 90% is required), we will do both as described above.
- If one gets overwhelming FOR, and the other doesn’t we will do the one that has > 90% support.
- If both are between 50% and 90%, then we will take just the one with the highest % FOR vote to a snapshot For / Against vote with a simple majority required to confirm.- My understanding is that this is what would happen if an IIP poll gets between 50% and 90% support → we goto snapshot for a simple majority vote.
- If both are greater than 50% AGAINST, liquidity mining will not happen.
(You can see why I thought a single combined vote would be easier ).
I propose that we run this poll for 48 hours, i.e. until 17:00 UTC on Monday 8th March 2021. This means the result / next steps can be confirmed during the weekly call. If we need a full 72-hour poll, we will continue until Tuesday. In either case, I’m sure we will discuss on Monday.
Best regards
- For
- Agaisnt
0 voters
- For
- Against
0 voters