Intrinsic DPI Productivity w/ $INDEX as Risk Backstop

As we get into the weeds I think we’re getting what’s good for DPI as a product and good for Index as a platform mixed together. I know it’s hard to differentiate sometimes but I think it has a big impact on what reward structures should be. E.g. $INDEX as a backstop is platform level and should be rewarded with $INDEX where as staking $DPI to earn yields is product level and should probably only be earning more $DPI and not $INDEX.

In general I think we are on the right track. I don’t agree with $INDEX strategic reserve but I’m not opposed to it either. I do think longer lockups are better since we have a longterm product but we can do conviction voting type setup where you can choose length of lockup and get proportionately more rewards.

It would be interesting to layer governance into this backstop mechanism e.g. you stake specifically to $DPI not all indexes at once and receive $dpiINDEX and only $dpiINDEX can vote on $DPI proposals and also any platform level INDEX. This somewhat reduces noise in governance like if we need to vote on DeFi meta-governance votes, somewhat that isn’t staked to $DPI (and therefore probably isn’t invested/knowledgeable in DeFi) can’t vote on what we do.