Liquidity review - Jul 2021


Comparison with June 2021.

Price Units AUM ($ m)
27Jun21 $24.39 220357 $5.4
26Jul21 $35.42 200425 $7.1
Sushiswap Unit 27jun21 26Jul21
AUM Million $ 5.66 7.13
14 day average trade Million $ 0.90
14 day average fee $ 2,689
Annualised average fee income % 17%
Annualised Sushi rewards % 24% 29%
Total rewards for LP’s % 41%
24 H Volume Million $ 1.43
Total rewards for LP’s % 47%
BTC2-FLI in pool # BTC2-FLI 115,800 88,052
wBTC in pool wBTC 90 80
BTC2-FLI in pool Million $ $2.8 $3.1
BTC in pool Million $ $2.8 $3.1
Sell BTC for 1% price impact $ $31,300 $22,000
Buy BTC for 1% price impact $ $31,300 $22,000
Sell BTC for 2% price impact $ $62,900 $54,000
Buy BTC for 2% price impact $ $62,900 $54,000

Sushi LP’s are benefitting from reasonable trade income and Onsen rewards of $Sushi. So they are all averaging better than the Uni v2 LP’s for ETH2-FLI.

As in June, I see no pressing need for Liquidity mining this product at this time.