Product Proposal: Launch The Option Index ($OPTION)
IIP: [to be assigned]
Title: Launch The Option Index
Status: Proposed
Simple Summary
The Option Index enables users to execute a diversified yield strategy composed of covered call and put options on Layer 1 blockchains such as BTC, ETH and a number of blue chip application layer protocols such as AAVE. This original iterations is exclusively focused on the vaults developed by but there will be scope to include vaults/strategies from other protocols in future.
Ribbon Vaults have proven to be a popular and effective strategy for yield generation in DeFi. Their covered call vaults have generated APY of 10-20%, while their put vaults are currently generating 30+% APY. A risk adjusted basket of these assets enables a user to gain diversified exposure to the most popular cryptocurrencies while simultaneously making those tokens productive by writing puts and covered call options. As such the assets will generate yield in all market conditions, and only be at risk of loss during the most volatile markets. The put writing strategy has no price volatility exposure of the underlying token as it uses USDC as collateral. The covered call strategies have underlying token price exposure where risk is moderated by selecting and weighting the various strategies based on the price performance of the underlying token.
## Motivation
DeFi users want yield. While there are a multitude of excellent extrinsic productivity options for our customers, we are still many months away from enabling intrinsic productivity in our products. Ribbon Finance have already solved this problem on their protocol. As all claims on a vault are represented by an ERC-20, we can benefit from their technology by simply wrapping their rETH-THETA, rBTC-THETA (etc) tokens in a Token Set. This creates an exchange tradeable basket of assets that can earn as much as 15-25% APY while granting exposure to the most popular cryptocurrencies. Time to market should be short and the opportunity is massive.
LPing a position of OPTION-ETH should be an extremely lucrative strategy.
Ribbon vaults generate yield by running automated covered call and put strategies on Opyn. As of Version 2, all logic and execution happens on-chain. Each Friday deposited collateral is used to write puts and covered calls, with all income accruing back to the vault each week. The earned income is reinvested in the following week’s strategy to earn further yield. The compounding of returns is implicit in the mechanism, and all income is denominated in the collateral asset.
The product user will allocate capital into a basket of Ribbon vaults that is optimized for risk and return. This reduces the gas and transaction cost that would normally be required to initiate a similar strategy manually. Additionally, it removes the burden of managing the position as the composition of the Index will be rebalanced back to the risk adjusted ratio at regular intervals, locking in gains and reducing risk.
If launched this should be the first Index Coop product with yield generation enabled. This makes the product highly attractive to DeFi power users. Crucially this customer is differentiated from PAY (retail) and LDI (DeFi treasuries) customers in that it targets DeFi degens and yield hunters. Additionally, the product generates income from a trading strategy that introduces additional risk.
Product | Target Customer | Composition | Risk level |
OPTION | DeFi Native | Concentrated Crypto Blue Chips | Moderate |
LDI | DeFi Treasury | Diversified Portfolio | Low |
PAY | Retail | Stablecoins | Very Low |
Example composition
An example composition of the index is as follows:
Strategy | Collateral Token | Weight |
Stablecoins - 30% | ||
T-USDC-P-ETH | USDC | 30% |
Layer 1 Blockchain Tokens - 60% | ||
T-ETH-C | ETH | 41% |
T-WBTC-C | WBTC | 19% |
Application Layer Tokens - 10% | ||
T-AAVE-C | AAVE | 10% |
Size of opportunity
Yield generation strategies are fundamental to DeFi. A protocol such as Yearn commands $4.43B TVL (1.5M ETH & 102.8K BTC). By comparison, Ribbon is a smaller and quickly growing protocol with a tremendous potential upside. Having grown to a $204.8M TVL (67.7K ETH & 4.8K BTC) since launching in April 2021, Ribbon has emerged as a highly popular source of revenue for DeFi power users. Combining their tech with Set Protocol’s infrastructure and Index Coop’s asset management capabilities is a natural fit and should lead to a profitable and gas efficient product that drives high demand from new customers.
Market & Customer Research
Target Customer
What audience is this product intended to appeal to? What other products are this audience using right now? How is this product a better fit or unique alternative?
- Knowledgeable DeFi users seeking gas efficient exposure to Ribbon’s vaults
- ETH and BTC holders seeking straightforward yield generation on a concentrated portfolio of Crypto Blue Chips
- Customers with a moderate appetite for risk who are willing to capital towards an automated options trading strategy.
- Tax and attention saving for long term passive holding.
As explained above, the index will be composed of a mix of tokens each made productive by depositing in a Ribbon vault strategy.
The allocation constraints for the various strategies are defined as follows.
- Stablecoins based strategies should not exceed an allocation greater than 30%.
- In case multiple strategies exist such as writing puts on multiple tokens, individual weightings will be determined based on the annualized yield and the sustainability of the yield with those strategies.
Layer 1 Blockchain tokens
- Strategies that use ETH, WBTC or other Layer 1 tokens as collateral should not exceed an allocation greater than 60%.
- The individual weights of the tokens within this category will be determined based on their Sortino ratio as outlined below. The weight assigned to a token is directly proportional to its Sortino ratio.
Note that Sortino ratio as calculated here is the ratio of the annualized % return and the annualized % downside deviation. The ratio is calculated based on the daily price movements of the token in the past 12 months and then scaled to obtain annualized values.
Token | Sortino Ratio | Weight within Category |
ETH | 8.08 | 69% |
WBTC | 3.67 | 31% |
Application layer protocols tokens
- Strategies based on individual tokens belonging to DeFi, Metaverse or other themes should not exceed 30%.
- No individual token should exceed 10% of the index.
- The individual weights of the tokens within this category is directly proportional to their Sortino ratio. At present time, there is one covered call strategy based on the AAVE token. So, allocation of this category will be limited to 10% which is the maximum allocation allowed to any individual token in this category.
- If, at any time during initial composition or periodic rebalance, there are insufficient number of active vaults available to make up the 30% weighting, the previous category of strategies based on layer 1 tokens will be adjusted upwards to make up for the difference.
Token | Sortino Ratio | Weight within Category |
AAVE | 2.57 | 100% |
Note that if the weight requirement of a particular strategy cannot be met due to size limitation of the Ribbon vault, the weights of the other strategies will be adjusted upwards to accommodate for this.
An example composition of the OPTION index is as follows:
Strategy | Collateral Token | Weight |
Stablecoins - 30% | ||
T-USDC-P-ETH | USDC | 30% |
Layer 1 Blockchain Tokens - 60% | ||
T-ETH-C | ETH | 41% |
T-WBTC-C | WBTC | 19% |
Application Layer Tokens - 10% | ||
T-AAVE-C | AAVE | 10% |
Index maintenance
OPTION will be rebalanced every quarter based on updated metrics. Additional rebalancing or readjustment will occur as needed if a Ribbon vault strategy is closed or retired.
Cost to customer
Index Coop will charge a 0.95% streaming fee. Ribbon will charge a management and/or performance fee on the underlying vaults based on the weekly performance.
Cost to mint / redeem
Provide an estimate of the gas price to issue (*Can be omitted from DG1)
Rebalance frequency
Manual per quarter
The suggested pair for liquidity is OPTION:ETH. The provisioning of initial liquidity should be deployed for IC’s treasury and placed in a managed Uni V3 Visor Vault similar to IIP-109. This should assist in the diversification of Index Coops Treasury, and enable the supply of liquidity to become an income generation activity by Index Coop.
Author Background
This is an internal methodology proposed by the AI Pod. The AI pod is a multidisciplinary team that works to support leveraged products for Index Coop. We have developed a roadmap of internal products that execute automated income generation strategies that we will be sharing with the community in the coming weeks.
Revision history
Describe any modifications to this proposal since the original post on the forum
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