I am really looking forward to contributing and seeing the value creation the GWG II will achieve over the next few months. However my only concerns are similar to @overanalyser and @verto0912 in regards to other working groups that are vital to success of the Index coop and the GWG II activities in general. I do believe we can still proceed in funding this next iteration of GWG but I would like to see the funding of other working groups as well, I do not know how far AWG is in regards to a formalized structure and treasury funds proposal but I would love to see another working group funded especially because AWG is vital to one of the core principles of the Index Coop namely being data driven. Additionally, after spending majority of my time contributing to GWG we always need some form of analytics to track the success of our programs. I would also say the same for Marketing and Design. Our growth initiatives are only as strong as the other working groups that are willing to support them.
I encourage anyone who reads this reply and agrees with my sentiment as well as @overanalyser and @verto0912 to go and read @anon10525910 Laying the rails for Working Groups (WG) v1 we need more initiative to get these working groups funded and operating! The most encouraging thing is that these groups already exist in the discord and are full of community members with talent and passion that are aligned with the general vision of Index Coop. I look forward to seeing other working groups develop and I am more than committed to throwing my support behind any other working groups creation and success thereafter.