Proposing a Growth Working Group III [NEW BUDGET + POLL ADDED]


Hello owls!

I am proposing the third iteration of the Growth Working Group (GWG) for Q3 2021 from July 1 to Oct 1.

GWG I Proposal
GWG II Proposal
Updates: Apr, May

What is the core problem(s) you want to solve?

The growth working group exists to accelerate adoption of Index Coop’s products. The working group structure provides the rails for coordination and funding of growth initiatives.

Why is this worth addressing today?

Growing our products is core to the success of the Index Cooperative. As we increase adoption, downstream effects such as revenue and unit economic improvements ensure protocol sustainability.

How will you address it?

In order to grow our products we must continually:

  • Craft messaging to position our products as solutions to customer problems
  • Prioritize channels to efficiently reach our target audiences with that messaging
  • Optimize our conversion flows
  • Turn our customers into advocates

What impact will this project have?

  • Introduce and reintroduce Index Coop Products in relevant channels (as measured by Impressions)

    • Serve Twitter impressions which introduce our products and speak to product value at a rate of 5m monthly across accounts tracked.
  • Reinforce product value with content (as measured by words / multimedia minutes and reads / views)

    • Publish 2 pieces of product value editorial content per week
  • Convert visitors / readers to owned channel (as measured by email conversions)

    • Collect 2500+ of email addresses
  • APAC penetration

    • Major rollout in top 3 strategic geographies including operational social channel and media blitz

Working Group Leaders

  • Lemonade
  • Mr Madila (co-lead)

Request for Funding

Proposed Budget:
$278,500 for 3 months (approx. 14,094 INDEX)

Current GWG multisig balance: 8,685 INDEX
4/5, GWG II: Requested $450k (+13,069 -5654) = ~7415 surplus
1/16, GWG I: Requested $100k (+9,173.6 -7,900) = ~1270 surplus

Use of Funds:

@Lemonade: Paid, WG lead
@mrmadila: Data, special projects
@dev: strategy, website tech
@marshmellow: content
@dochabanero: product marketing
@lanks: APAC expansion
@DeFiJesus: conversions
@caf: micro content
@static : micro content
@nftzakk: impression mining, Twitter

-Special project consultant work
-Ad hoc rewards & bounties: copywriting, writing, etc
-Impression Mining
-Ads & Sponsorships: Decrypt, DeFiant, Coingecko, new experimental channels
-Discretionary programs: Wallet promotions, referrals
-SaaS Licenses: CMS (e.g. Contently), Email (Getresponse)

Organization - How will it work?

What will you be doing?

  • Communicate with customers to understand their motivations
  • Craft product value messaging to distribute via social media, blogs, etc
  • Localize that content to leverage in more geographies; with a look towards APAC
  • Prioritize channels to optimize for targeted reach of that messaging with a low mixed-CAC
  • Create and optimize conversion flows for key website events
  • Empower customers to serve as advocates for Index Coop products
  • Experimentation process for rapid learnings and further application of them
  • Special projects, including: MMM attribution model, Referral infrastructure, SEO implementation

How will you interface with the community?

  • Weekly GWG calls and pizza group vertical calls.
  • Forum posts and discord (Monthly update, with stretch goal of weekly).
  • Permissioned contribution programs
  • Permissionless contribution programs
  • 1 on 1’s with GWG members.
  • Cross functional groups where required.


  • I am committed to Index Coop principles
  • I am committed to serving the entire Index Coop with my work.
  • I am committed to open, rapid communication: I know that clear, constant, public communication lifts up the entire Index Coop community. I am committed to this style of communication.
  • Shared learnings: I will share my progress, learnings with the entire community. I will ensure that anything I create is accessible beyond my own tenure for future generations of Indexers to access & build on.
  • Intellectual honesty: I am committed to growth and improvement. I am open to feedback and will use feedback to improve my work for the benefit of the entire Coop community.
  • I am committed to making Index Coop a welcoming, fun, and engaging community to work in!

Thanks for sharing this @LemonadeAlpha :pray:

For a proposal that is requesting a budget or nearly half a million dollars - I would like to see far more detail on the specific activity you will be doing, KPIs and comment on what a “success” in Q3 for GWIII will look like.

To elaborate on this…

Can you define what “good looks like” on the impressions front. How many impressions are we getting currently, and what is your target for monthly impression by the end of Q3?

Being objective, @patb competitor analysis has shown we are barely ahead of our competition by Twitter following, despite dwarfing them in TVL, team size and budget allocated towards growth (appreciating that followers is only a rough proxy for impressions).


Can you define, specifically, how many articles / words you are looking to publish by the end of Q3 and what readership numbers you are aiming for? Similarly, how many new emails collected by the end of Q3 would be considered a “success”?

Can you elaborate on what you have planned here?

On the budget…

  • Bounties - I was under the impression we are discontinuing bounties @DarkForestCapital. How does this square with the $22,500 request for bounties here?
  • Additionally salary costs - what is the difference between this and contributor rewards?
  • Impressing mining - Have you got any data which validates the success of the impression mining program to justify a further $52,500 being spent here?
  • Writing / Editorial Content - Unsure how this fits in with contributor rewards - is this a wage budget for writers?
  • Discretions programs - given the request of $150,000 can you provide more details on what sort of discretions programs you will run? How have you validated the success (cost/benefit) of previous promotions to justify our continued use of this approach?

I look forward to understanding better some of the specifics of this proposal - and defining metrics which will allow Growth to be recognized for delivering measurable success and impact by the end of Q3.


Hey Joe appreciate the response and sympathize with the lack of clarity around metrics. There is a follow up post coming which was meant to provide more detail into each activity (to make this post more digestible) but I can transfer those here as well.

  • Bounties - I was under the impression we are discontinuing bounties @DarkForestCapital. How does this square with the $22,500 request for bounties here?
  • Additionally salary costs - what is the difference between this and contributor rewards?

Please forgive the classification mistakes here, the top of the sheet can broadly be categorized as contributor rewards.

  • Impressing mining - Have you got any data which validates the success of the impression mining program to justify a further $52,500 being spent here?

Impression mining is a contingency based program, meaning it pays only for results. $52.5k on impression mining assumes ~6.5m product value impressions at $8 cpm

The justification comes from an analysis of what valuation would be attractive at scale on a per impression basis. I am open to the idea that an $8 CPM is overpaying but would be curious to see that analysis. $8 CPM is much better than what we can achieve with the best crypto-enabled paid channels.

  • Writing / Editorial Content - Unsure how this fits in with contributor rewards - is this a wage budget for writers?

That’s correct, this is the contributor reward earmarked for our editorial program.

  • Discretions programs - given the request of $150,000 can you provide more details on what sort of discretions programs you will run? How have you validated the success (cost/benefit) of previous promotions to justify our continued use of this approach?

TBF I included this last minute to account for the possibility of doing one+ of these programs, but to answer your question I’m not confident it’s high ROI and thus I am not confident we will reprise that promotion under similar terms. I would be happy to remove these and request if needed.

Being objective, @patb competitor analysis has shown we are barely ahead of our competition by Twitter following, despite dwarfing them in TVL, team size and budget allocated towards growth (appreciating that followers is only a rough proxy for impressions).

I’m actually not sure comparing twitter followings is telling us much if anything. Our goal is not to outpace the twitter followings - but to deliver product value contextual impressions (for our products displaying PMF) in order to drive sales. We have ample evidence from our customer interviews that users (and >$100k users at that) are finding and learning about our products from how we are using the platform.

Twitter following (and even, broadly, ‘Impressions’) is a rought-at-best proxy for the success of our efforts on many levels: e.g. 1 Twitter follower can have $1 or $1m of AUM, but can only be 1 Twitter follower; or, one could drive Twitter followers by advertising programs which don’t communicate product value and don’t drive sales.


If it’s not already included in the forthcoming post, could you explain a bit more about how you approach the bounties vs stipends and what additional salary costs are/why it was split out like that?

I don’t see it being a problem, but could be useful for other wg leads to understand a different approach to incentivising contributions (like holding some for ad-hoc bounties).


Sure I can give a rough breakdown here:

Lemonade: $5k (I suppose this may not need to be budgeted in but don’t understand new procedure here)
Madila: $8.5k
Dev $3k
DocHab: $4.5k
Lanks: $4k
Jesus: $3k
Caf: $2.5k
Static: $2.5k
NFTzakk: $2k
Marshmallow: $~7k
SEO specialist: ~$2k
MMM Attribution specialist: ~$1200
Referral Infra specialist: ~$3000

Budgeted extra for evolving needs, accounted for in “additional resource required…”

Bounties figure is meant to capture work the group provides to non core WG members, perhaps this is called or categorized elsewhere now?

Program assumptions:
Editing and writing: ~25k words
Impression Mining: ~6.5m impressions

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I will admit upfront that my comments here are entirely colored by the size of the budget :sweat_smile: as well as Q3 Priorities :point_down:

Doubling down on the most effective growth/distribution tactics

  • Major DeFi integrations (i.e. Aave)
  • Major CEX listing
  • Direct sales of Index products to high-demand audiences - i.e. DAOs
  • Maximise twitter presence and reach
  • Educational content

What activities do you believe are most effective and worth doubling down on? There seem to be a lot in this proposal.

I am viewing this request from two vantage points

  • What other working groups are requesting
  • The amount the Coop may be spending on growth in Q3 (Growth + BD + Institutional Business == approx. $778,000)

$475 is ~2.4x the next-highest budget request, which is also growth related (BDWG, $192K), and ~4.2x yet another growth related budget (IBWG, $111K).

Further, it appears the GWG wallet still contains ~$208,000 as of writing.

With all that being said, here are some questions :point_down: To help me understand.

What channels are working? I know the Coop as a whole is working across a number of channels, though I’d suspect we are only getting results from a few.

On Impact - similar to my comment in the PoC proposal

  • What specific impact is this group working towards? for example,
  • How many impressions today? What is goal?
  • How many followers on Medium today? What is the goal?

What goes into this? How is this different than what the IB is doing and the BDWG?

Who is being sold to?

What is the current status of this? What is working? What is not working?

Is this not covered by the CDWG stipend?

What is “micro content”?

Marketing Promotions
What promotions are being targeted that require $75,000?

Discretionary Programs
What programs are being targeted that requires $150,000?

Can these be done via IIP if the ticket-size is this big?

Impression Mining
How many impressions has this program generated so far?
How much per month are you spending on this program?

Why does this budget need to increase over time?

I’d assume there are diminishing returns to paying for impressions and that there is some place where effectiveness plateaus.

Noticing a $15,000 budget here. What goes into this?

For “email” - i love mixmax which is $9/user/month.

Contently pricing is hard to find, but looks like, “Contently charges companies a subscription fee to use the software. Prices range from $3,000 to $25,000 a month, “and some big enterprise clients go higher than that,” Snow says.”

  • It looks like other tools, like Contentful, are closer to ~$500

Hey Greg, great points and thanks for the comment. I’ll try and respond 1 by 1.

What activities do you believe are most effective and worth doubling down on? There seem to be a lot in this proposal.

We believe a mix of social, content, and paid strategies along with targetted geographical expansion are the main pillars of our strategy. In the periphery, we prioritize developing the infrastructure for more robust growth tactics in future quarters by setting up a CMS for hosting our editorial content (SEO) and capturing Emails on-site and via landing pages (to establish an owned channel). We believe this proposal focuses on those 4-5 activities.

$475 is ~2.4x the next-highest budget request, which is also growth related (BDWG, $192K), and ~4.2x yet another growth related budget (IBWG, $111K).

Further, it appears the GWG wallet still contains ~$208,000 as of writing.

Yes we mentioned we have a surplus, this would be counted towards the total. I think it speaks to the judiciousness employed by this group. When comparing budget size I would argue that GWG is the only WG that deploys meaningful capital into paid programs so I perceive the difference as natural.

Any non-contributor portion of the budget in GWG is directly spent on some metric we value, and in a systematic process to determine relative cost-effectiveness.

Lastly, I would say the MVI budget is far larger than growth’s on a per revenue basis. We are supporting products generating $Xm in ARR whereas the MVI is generating 5 figure ARR and requests 1/2-1/3 of the budget.

What channels are working? I know the Coop as a whole is working across a number of channels, though I’d suspect we are only getting results from a few.
On Impact - similar to my comment in the PoC proposal

  • What specific impact is this group working towards? for example,
  • How many impressions today? What is goal?
  • How many followers on Medium today? What is the goal?

We see the same channels working; social (Twitter) and content; and continually evaluate paid opportunities to prioritize the best spend. I mention in the post that our impact is measured by:

Social: Product value contextual impressions (will get you a harder goal but trying to segment data to make this in an informed manner because nuance of ‘product-value’ impressions is important)
Content: Product value contextual reads, words, posts (last month: 5,000 words, 8,000 views, 6 posts June, 8 in July so far)
Paid: Product value contextual impressions, emails captured
APAC: Geographies stood up (x/3), Impressions, words, reads

What goes into this? How is this different than what the IB is doing and the BDWG?

Who is being sold to?

This simply refers to the wallet promotions and referral programs which are contingency sales programs - these are digital marketing related and not necessarily human-to-human sales as the other groups focus on. I think we’re all in agreement to knock this request off the budget and request again if necessary.

What is the current status of this? What is working? What is not working?

APAC expansion has certainly not gone as smoothly and quickly as I’d like but we are overhauling the previous strategy and are employing different tactics to quickly spin up presence in the highest impact geographies.

Is this not covered by the CDWG stipend?

I’d argue Dev goes above and beyond and find his contributions to this group far exceed the value spent. For more concrete justification, Dev is handling the implementation of marketing tech to our website (CMS, Email platform, landing page infra) which I see as not core to design.

What is “micro content”?

This simply refers to social-optimized content e.g. banners, gifs, graphics, and short videos for Twitter.

Marketing Promotions
What promotions are being targeted that require $75,000?

$25k/mo is budgeted for targetted ad spend as well as light copy testing. In the past, we’ve executed campaigns with Coingecko, The DeFiant, and Decrypt and have further engagements lined up with the DeFiant (podcast & newsletter) as well as Coingecko - Additionally, we are constantly monitoring new channels and opportunities for inefficiencies in relative pricing/ROI.

We typically pay <$12 CPM in highly targeted publishers and have been slowly ramping activity since our first spot on the DeFIant in Apr-May.

Impression Mining
How many impressions has this program generated so far?
How much per month are you spending on this program?

Why does this budget need to increase over time?

I’d assume there are diminishing returns to paying for impressions and that there is some place where effectiveness plateaus.

June figure incoming but May generated ~1.1m impressions for ~$11,000. We’ve recently moved the CPM to $8.

Impression mining is a contingency-based program that is designed off of an analysis of an attractive per impression rate (would be happy to revisit this based on someone else’s analysis). It is meant to be reasonably scaleable, I’m not sure I understand where the idea it would plateau or offer diminishing returns comes into play (is this a question of duplicating reach?).

The budget increases to account for scaling up program participants - but it is important to remember that the budget is only deployed contingent on the impressions occurring.

Noticing a $15,000 budget here. What goes into this?

The SaaS budget is probably inflated. I meant to account for new subscriptions as we start to take them on under the purview of our group (whereas we haven’t before so don’t have a good estimate) including:


Hi @LemonadeAlpha -

As a frequent content writer, I am curious if there is a defined cost for published pieces built into the ‘writing and editorial content’ numbers above. I see there is a program assumption of 25k words for the quarter. Does that mean there is a per word assumption being used?

It would be great to have better transparency around the reward to ensure I, and others, are allocating our time appropriately.


Hey Accel, thanks, it does and we are tentatively targetting .35/word


I am keenly aware that there a number of translators who have contributed through bounty rewards up to now. As bounties look like they are being phased out, I am working towards formalizing translation and localization contributions, including social media outreach. I currently see this a falling under the Bounties and Misc budget listings above. It is my intention to present a detailed breakdown of costings in the next week.


I am in support of this initiative; for language ops which is lead and curate by @mrvls_brkfst

Especially as we move to other markets and expands our reach to more and more regions; localisation in terms of content is important, convincing them that INDEX COOP is inclusive not only when it comes to the product that it carries; but also global representation… what better way to show than through language ops.

As language is the cornerstone of any civilisation and culture.

Looking forward for further deliberation on this!!


Newly amended with budget and metrics

Fund GWG III as specified
  • YES
  • NO

0 voters

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Language-ops request

TLDR; operating under the GWG, language-ops requests $40,080 for the three months to October. This would employ 10+ coop members, create evergreen content, retain language skills within the Coop, help test and develop new markets, increase reach, help foster trust among non-native English speakers, and further diversify the Coop.


It is tempting to fit language work under other growth categories such as content writing and impression mining. Eventually this should be so. Now, while the languages establish themselves in the Coop and catch up with the amazing work being done in content creation, it is necessary to separate out some budget and find what works and what should be nurtured.

Some workings and reasonings

The last six Index Coop medium blogs by word count:
632 - 350 - 886 - 1148 - 1721 - 690

That’s an average of 905 words per post. At a middle industry rate of $0.20 per word, the average for an article is $181. This is similar to previous bounty rewards for blogs: June $142, May $173, April $193, March $179.

It should be noted that translation rates hover around $0.20 per word, depending on language and difficulty, but this does not recognise that our Coop contributors also publish the articles, and maintain a platform for doing so. Compensation of $0.30 per word is closer to the author’s suggested $0.35 and seems fairer.

The aim of the next three months is to increase the impact of localised content and lead languages towards self-sufficiency. This will be achieved by translating more regularly and by publicising through localised social media. Impressions for social media and the posts will be measured over three months to understand growth and also what content works better. (I would like to work on attribution analytics though see the difficulties)

Assuming 4 average blogs per month for each language, plus effective social posts ($150/lang/month), plus room for an extra language (for a total of 10), $37,080 covers 3 months.

For my part, while only ever seeing myself as providing the occasional motivational push, I would be happy to continue coordinating and supporting people working in this area. I would do this in a way that lifts as much burden as possible from GWG daily operations and that integrates with the Coop as dynamically as possible. In recognition of my limited time, I ask for $3000 for the three months, for a total of $40,080.

If all languages don’t hit all the targets for the whole three months, there will be tokens to return to the treasury.

While I have spoken on the need for language ops funding with several coop members and there are many possibilities, I recognise this is a first outing and hope input can help deliver rewards worthy of the contributors.

A little context

Index Coop has blogs in 9 languages. These have developed intrinsically without a specific budget or platform, they found their own platforms and were rewarded from the bounties of @LemonadeAlpha, myself, and recently @DarkForestCapital .

Several translators have worked with the Coop for over half a year and have shown great commitment, resourcefulness, and desire to build the Coops reputation by spreading the word of its business and products. More recently, new-starters are showing great promise with media platforms and reach.

While I hope each contributor understands they are not just a tool in a box from my communications with them, it is sometimes difficult to give a satisfying shout-out to everyone in public - so here are a brief few words that may also provide context for those not so closely involved:

Chinese Mandarin - @Tudou: writing content for WeChat and posting socials on Weibo, also providing outreach to local media outlets such as Odaily. A fantastic individual effort for Chinese content.

French - @Cryptouf has developed a whole website subsection for the Coop and posts blogs prolifically, DeFi really is the future of France.

German - @ela and @mestigoit between them have long covered the Coop’s content. There is now a dedicated substack to unify all German Coop content, plus twitter.

Russian - Crypto-Sova and akonun consistently cover the Coop in Russian for the bounty rewards - браво!

Spanish - @Sver now blogs several times a week and tweets daily, after some acclimatisation, the fire is now well lit.

Swedish - @blurb (nakamomo) has 0x and Substack running for the Coop, blogging consistently since the beginning of the year.

Turkish - @insidetrader is self motivated and a consistent blogger, often translating more than just the bounty content.

Malay - @pujimak_in has just joined but is asking all the right questions and even has his blog setup on IPFS.

Portuguese - laridsaldanah is something special on Twitch in another life but has started a new blog for Coop content and is keen to do more after good feedback. I also understand that finding the women-in-index-coop-dream-team was a bit of a win.

Some languages have more than one translator. Some translators have more time, and others less, but language-ops contributors not only translate Coop content, they have a great understanding of the Coop, perhaps a side-effect of all that reading and translating! I had just wanted to make short post to ask for a budget so this is now likely ill placed here, apologies, Lemonade. I had to get this written out, time and tiredness be damned. I’ll happily work to make it work.

Language-ops contributors well deserve a more structured rewards system. One that allows them to more readily commit time and which enables them to be part of growing the Coop into a global DeFi powerhouse.


At .35 per word Am I correct that this works out at $100 and hour for ~285 words. That seems like a major discrepancy between pay rate and ability.

I’d be expecting closer to 500 words an hour @ $60 so closer to 0.12 or up to 0.20 to account for editing.

Maybe have I misunderstood $0.35 per word?

Thanks @mrvls_brkfst for setting this up. I can only underline how important localisation is today for any type of organisation and, of course, for organisational structures like coops and DAOs.
When @BigSky7 says the Coop is for every one, and I think everyone of us agrees on this. Then we have to speak in all the different languages to reach out for everyone.


I’m making my position known. I’ll be Voting against this.

With that being my opinion may changed with further clarification, but as of now it doesn’t benefits the language ops in the midterm.


Although this is a last minute reply, and admittedly I do not follow GWG meetings on a regular basis, there are a few points I want to make.

First, I would appreciate greater visibility w.r.t. how the proposed budget impacts compensation for part-time regional contributors (like myself). I create content and manage communities specific to my region, and it has been bumpy from the beginning. The Ethereum ecosystem in China has not been as dominant as in the west, and index investing in the crypto space is a concept completely alien to Chinese institutional and retail investors. Meanwhile, government censorship provides additional barriers for our CN platforms . Spearheading content production and community engagement in China while maneuvering between government regulations require creative work and local knowledge. Less than 20% of my work is word-for-word translating (which is necessary), despite my reward coming from lang-ops. I was under the impression earlier that the coop is centralizing and automating (???) local content production? I was also told translation work will be benchmarked against a per-word rate asked by translation agencies. I am deeply worried that this would significantly compromise the quality of international content, as our content is niche and requires profound understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrency. I do not speak for all international contributors but it would be helpful if one of the core contributors could add more visibility.

Next, on APAC expansion. Several Asia markets, including Korea, ASEAN and Greater China, have tremendous growth potential for our products. My hunch tells me penetration cost is not cheap for these markets, especially for spending on content, events and sponsorships. Let me make one example to illustrate some potential spending on PR/marketing. Typical rate for holding AMA with blockchain media outlets in China is around 8k. Also, due diversity in culture and language in the APAC region, contributors with deep local knowledge from this space are essential to hitting growth targets. I support any budget initiative that increase allocation to APAC and lang-ops. I understand that there are different phases for roll-out and we’re testing waters for now but I am looking forward to more allocation for this region over the coming quarters.


Against. I will vote against this proposal because it removes language-ops support.

Language ops revolve around communicating Coop materials in languages other than English, participants translate and publish blogs as well as run social media channels publishing microcontent. That already relies on a giant amount of intrinsic motivation. Removing bounties will not help.

My request for considering a budget has been met with zero engagement, except an outside Coop channels ‘idk’. In response, I offered to find a way forward and presented options. The conversation ended with that.

The new site will have internationalization capabilities, this is awesome, and I appreciate the involvement of language ops members in its choice. To hear in the weekly-standup that translation is going to be automated, therefore taking away the need for translators, was not expected. Over the past decade I have been involved in multilingual sites and publications and not one seriously considered auto-translation. While the tech is amazing, professionally it at best leads to confusion and often just comes across as disrespectful.

The GWG3 makes no explicit allowance for internationalization. In addition, I found the closed nature of this decision for automated translation and its non-communication to impacted parties frustrating.

I appreciate this is a fringe issue in many respects.


First of all - @LemonadeAlpha has done an AMAZING job getting growth spun up and I know they will be even more successful over the next iteration. Just look at our track record of successful product launches and the marketing that goes into those. Every time I open Twitter I see a wall of Index Coop content- and growth is a big reason for that.

Not going to talk budget Bc it has already been covered in depth.

I strongly agree with @mrvls_brkfst , @Tudou, and @pujimak_in. Language ops and our efforts in APOC are absolutely essential for further Index Coop growth. We need to develop deep levels of talent and community members in none English speaking communities. The only way to do this is to support people with deep local knowledge.

So far many of these efforts have been limited to translation work- however they will soon become even more central as these community members further build out none Western communities and begin to interface with key partners in these regions.

IMHO transitioning to translation software is a huge mistake and shortsighted. Time and time again I hear “well these efforts don’t move the needle or are not creating impact”. This perspective is frustrating bc these efforts are still laying the foundation. DeFi is still incredibly limited to a small number of users in the West- most protocols barely have any presence outside of the west. Of course our translation efforts are not on-boarding millions of dollars a quarter, it is unrealistic to expect that. What they are doing is laying a solid foundation and involving crypto leaders (our community members doing the work) in those regions.

We can’t expect to become a global financial player if we don’t invest in and develop people and capabilities from different regions. I promise in three years we will be desperate to build a Chinese/ APOC community if we don’t start now.


I’m sure your request will be met with much greater enthusiasm and support if presented independently and not as a side note in the GWG3 narrative.
While I personally do not understand all the translations by our talented contributors, I do see the immense value language ops holds for non English speakers. They are the first step towards building a global community, and also a much easier access point for non English speakers trying to reach the Coop.