Run Marketing Campaign on Delta.APP

Hi All–

Early DPI purchaser and current INDEX farmer. :woman_farmer:

I help our Delta.App with business development and want to extend a partnership offer to help grow awareness of DPI.

Delta has nearly 300k MAU, 100K DAU, and 3-5k new users downloading Delta every day. We offer high quality token projects the ability to be added by default to new users “watch list portfolio”. Users often put a token in their “watchlist” before purchasing, and people are more likely to read token news, join social communities, and purchase the token after it’s in the watchlist. For past campaigns we ran projects like MakerDAO, over 90% of users still had a token in their watchlist 90 days after it was added. This creates long term awarness buiding and ensures users are able to see price preformance over time.

The cost to run a campaign are as follows:

  1. Added to 18,000 watchlist portfolios: $9k
  2. Added to 36,000 watchlist portfolios: $16.2k
  3. Added to 72,000 watchlist portfolios: $28.8k
Should INDEX coop run a campaign with
  • We shouldn’t do this
  • 18k sounds good
  • 36k would be cool
  • now’s the time to scream about DPI to the world. ADD IT TO 72K new user watchlists!

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Total no-go for me.
Unless the Set Labs team is interested to contribute to this with their shares.

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Without knowing how many of those users convert into token holders it’s very difficult to commit funds, we can run some numbers though.

The streaming fee for DPI for 1 month is currently $3k with 1500 holders. If the token goes into a watchlist for 36,000 users that requires a purchase rate of roughly 4% to achieve 1500, is that realistic? Without any data we can’t say. Does Delta have links to purchase the tokens or is it just a price tracker? How much info is provided about the token and does responsibility for that lie with Index Co-op? Does it just appear in a watchlist and as such users become immune to it over time? These things will all contribute to the purchase rate but are not mentioned in your post.

Let’s assume 4% is what happens, in which case the outlay is $16.2k, plus if the community needs to designate someone to update the token info on delta app, a small outlay for their time let’s round it to $16.5k. At that rate it takes 5.5 months to break even. I consider this pretty optimistic given Metamask just passed 1m MAU and yet DPI only has 1500 holders. Also assumes those 1500 purchase the same amount as current AUV, $13m, to achieve the same streaming fee.

In my opinion as someone with an engineering not marketing background, it’s a pretty steep price for no tangible benefit, others might see 5.5 months as an acceptable trade-off however.

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Any campaign like this should be tied to performance eg X $INDEX tokens for each successful purchase referred

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