I’m planning to do some writing on a ranges of subjects around customers, indexes, portfolios and long term investments.
I would like somone help to bounce ideas off / proof read / review / send check / sniff test before I make it public.
I think I’m looking for someone who spends time thinking about:
Modern portfolio theory
The 4% safe withdraw rule.
Why people recommend 80:20 equity to bonds.
Why 72 is important for compounding
Monevator blogs (UK)
r/FIREUK etc
Lars Kroijer
UK Motley Fool forum (rip) / lemonfool
“Smarter investing” by Tim Hale
How many tabs do I need in the next version of my spreadsheet.
If this is you, drop me a DM on the discord so we can exchange emails.
If this all sounds new to you, watch this space for more waffle from me
Oh I’ll probably want to ask some stupid questions about DeFi as well.
I’m not familiar with most of the themes you are talking about, but I really enjoy brainstorming around finance and DeFi so, don’t hesitate to send me a preview of your work on Discord.
A bit late here, I know, but I just recently joined the Coop community. I spent 10 years in tradfi, on the asset management side. Also know the FIRE stuff pretty well, since I did the light version of it. Let me know if there anything I can do to help.
I think my main thought at the time was trying to produce more blogs / writing to promote DeFi / index funds. I’ve since focused on my blog on crypto natives. But I know that others are working on material for linkedin to try and spread the word. So that my be another area you can help with.
I think I’ll try to create some content as well for my newsletter/company blog. I was thinking about crypto ETFs around June, with it being fairly easy to do top-20, top-10, defi, supply chain and all types of other funds. Having onchain derivative solutions will also make it feasible to do low vol, income oriented, long/short funds, etc. Exciting stuff.
Do connect me with anyone you know who’s working on content. Would love to help out.
Fellow TradFi denizen here; new to the community; with a background in content and partnerships. Happy to help with ideas, proof reading, fun chats, etc!