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  1. Positively contribute to the community. We’re here to collaborate on creating the best index products. All discussion topics should revolve around proposals on how to do this, general topics around Index, and general feedback. More on this in the welcome post.
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Watch Owls :heart:


Hi all!

I shared a post on Twitter about creating the first NFT index pulse / basket for NFT protocols: https://twitter.com/michae2xl/status/1313574914893508608

I have studied this week and created a MVP, cases for that.

That idea surged because there are many new NFT protocols surging and people can save gas fee for exposure in many at once for example, saving time as well. That index could be great for whole NFT market.

Where can I share the plans and getting involved in that creation?

Thank you


Your idea sounds very nice!

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Thank you for the support.

Would be good to share more about the idea here.
I think the first step would be to define a clear set of criteria that will govern the selection of NFT protocols.

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Hi! Thanks for the interest.

We have done a research market, and set a basic criteria, it will have only ERC20 NFT protocols, token weighing, considering supply size, the value of the community, products, volume, etc. We hope to share with you soon.