What is autonomy?

The purpose of my post @Pepperoni_Joe was to determine whether there is alignment and I see there is not. I wouldn’t call this a difference of opinion; your framing of the concept of autonomy goes well beyond the definition and that stated on the ethereum.org website. I have serious concerns about scope creep.

I would appreciate if you could confirm that:

  • The deliverable will be an, “Initial Autonomy Roadmap” delivered by 25 August;
  • You are not committing IC person-resources in the name of autonomy beyond the due-date (re workshops etc.);
  • That the AG will effectively be dissolved following deliverable turnover; and,
  • No representations are being made to Set regarding ongoing representative or centralized leadership within The Coop.

For the remainder of the Autonomy Group’s tenure I would appreciate if you would state whether the views expressed are your own, representative of the group, or representative of DFP and/or Set. I would appreciate if the remaining calls updating the community on the progress of the Autonomy Group summarize the discussions being had, rather than suggesting any further solutions without giving appropriate context. Additionally, please provide a copy the list of concerns and blockers to autonomy as presented by Set. If Set has not turned this list over to IC yet please note that instead.

Flagging remainder of the IC Autonomy Group for visibility: @DarkForestCapital, @Matthew_Graham