DeFi Pulse Index - May 2024 Rebalance

The DeFi Pulse Index is a digital asset index designed to track the performance of some of the largest protocols in the Decentralised Finance (DeFi) space.

Over the last three months, since the last rebalancing, the DeFi Pulse Index is roughly flat is USD terms and underperformed ETH which gained ~30% over the same period.

Since the buyout from Scalara no changes have been made to the methodology.

DeFi Pulse Index rebalance weights

Rebalance summary

The above index weightfactors and weights were calculated using prices and circulating supplies as of Apr 30, 2024.

At the May 2024 index rebalance, Pendle was added and no other constituents were removed. The new Pendle (PENDLE) allocation was introduced at 4.82%. All other weights decrease accordingly.


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