DPI Streaming Fees Returned to INDEX

Jumping in here - As it has been discussed in the intrinsic productivity w/ $INDEX as risk backstop here, I do agree with the idea of using $INDEX as a risk backstop and $INDEX stakers receiving some sort of compensation for that risk taken (similar to Aave’s model).

Reading everyone’s comments, it seems the main contention is around the timeline in which a risk backstop mechanism is implemented vs. whether it is ever done. IMO, we are still working through the idea of intrinsic productivity and whether / how compelling it is to keep moving forward with the conversations here. And we believe that activating intrinsic productivity will have good benefits for DPI holders and the broader community at large.

To reframe this a little bit, it seems the important idea is to make $INDEX a productive asset (vs. rewarding $INDEX holders), and the ideas above do help get $INDEX closer to having these properties.

This is certainly something we should and will continue working through and finding a sensible solution on.