Sure, this conversation is ongoing currently. And it’s the primary reason I have this dynamic top of mind now. It’s an ask to give the benefit of the doubt to the Full-time Contributors and accelerate governance power into their hands. As you see in the thread, I support it with a 6-month cliff (preferring a more linear cliff but concede that the difference isn’t worth significant engineering resources). Others do raise concerns about the relative fairness of the Full-time structure.
In the formation of the Autonomy Group, I also said the following:
So from my perspective there’s (1) a proposal from a group of authors who are seemingly only unified by their compensation structure within the Coop, (2) who (used to?) meet regularly with Set to make decisions on behalf of the Coop (something I raised as a concern in the Autonomy Group setup), (3) drawing conclusions from the yet-to-be-completed Autonomy Group’s process that they were elected by the community at large to complete, and (4) doing so with a group composition proposal that seems very structurally favorable to Set. All while there’s ongoing conversation about the relative fairness of that group’s compensation and governance power. That confluence undermines my trust that those concerns are taken seriously by the authors.
But I also genuinely could see how that might be coincidental. That perhaps it just isn’t something you guys see as an issue. And I’ll acknowledge my words were overly vague and slanderous. I regret that, but not the sentiment. Because it still strikes me as relatively tone-deaf.