IIP-71 : Launching the Robot Index (iRobot) - **Fee Structure & Liquidity Strategy Update**

Dear all,

In preparation for iRobot’s Decision Gate 2 vote targeted mid-september, and following discussions with BD (thanks a lot to @BigSky7 & @oneski22 for their guidance and constructive approach on this !), you will find below the details of the fee structure & initial liquidity strategy considered for iRobot :

  • A simple streaming fee of 1.5% is proposed to take into account the complexity of the methodology and the amount of market research / data analysis required for its maintenance. This ideally positions iRobot in an intermediate range between DPI / MVI and the FLI suite.
  • I am finalizing the formal request to set up a fully-fledged Working Group dedicated to iRobot’s growth and maintenance. For this entity to become autonomously funded as quickly as possible, it is proposed to redirect 30% of iRobot’s streaming fee towards the iRobot WG budget. The initial funding proposal to boostrap the 1st iteration of this WG will be detailed in the aforementioned post, to be published this week.
  • In line with the original community methodologist framework, it is proposed that Index Coop retains the rest (70%) of the streaming fee as well as the methodologist bounty for all other budget lines falling outisde of iRobot Working Group’s scope.
  • It is proposed that Index Coop provides the initial liquidity for iRobot. A launch on Sushi Onsen is envisaged to further incentivize liquidity provision and bootstrap initial AUM.

These details will be included in the final IIP to be submitted before DG2. I remain at your disposal to answer any of your questions or comments, and look forward to the publication of the Work Team Analysis / prioritisation score based on these details (tagging @catjam for visibility) :robot: