Lets level up together and tighten the thinking we do on these threads.
I’m wanting to taper off the liquidity mining for $DPI, but I also want to use some of our firepower to build relationships
I have no idea what this means , what customer problem you are trying to solve, and why we should care at all.
Distributing INDEX tokens in a decentralised way - Essential for becoming a decentralised organisation.
A ton of different ways to solve this problem. Lets stay focused on what the most important problem is.
It’s hard to follow your train of thought.
A) Once liquidity is established in a pool with a good product (i.e. DPI) it will tend to stay there. The time of DeFi summer and people chasing 100000% APY on food coins is likely over.
This is a pretty big assumption and something at this level needs to be backed up by data. An LP token is a fundamentally different product than an Index token and represents a constant mix strategy.
It prevents us from reaching full decentralization. Liquidity incentives are important tool for our community and providing liquidity is one of the most important things our community members do.
I don’t see how each statement leads to the next or how it relates to the broader point.
Sorry for picking on you guys, those were just the few examples that popped out to me and I picked them kind of randomly. (You certainly don’t need to respond to them. )We are all guilty of doing this, especially myself. It’s been a super tough pill for me to swallow as I get frustrated when people put brakes on conclusions that seem so obvious to me.
But, to level up as a DAO, it is critical we level up the way we communicate and that means making sure we are starting from a correct framing of the problem, not getting attached to a solution, backing up assumptions with data, staying concise, and staying focused in our communication.
Sushi has been brought up a lot and it has been posited that doing LM on Sushi means that we get access to the Sushi user base. To me, that is a super big logical leap and super unclear as to if its true. Every investment firm I know in DeFi is short Sushi as an AMM and long Sushi on its other initiatives.
Regarding DPI - I would recommend doing a KANO analysis to see what the competitive edge DPI has over competitors. Check out the talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11b2JdeHoGM&t=447s
I think that will make the discussion around liquidity, DPI positioning, and other things way more clear.