Title: Working Group - Contributor Reward Framework
Status: Proposal
Author: @MrMadila / @Matthew_Graham / @Lavi
Review & Feedback:
From Genesis to now, the current structure around community rewards has remained consistent. With the introduction of working groups, there is an inherent change in how rewards are distributed. This post is focusing on the process of change. We are creating a poll to gauge sentiment on how we implement change/s.
What is the core problem(s) you want to solve?
We want to ensure that any change relating to contributor rewards is done in such a way that is fair, open, transparent and consistent with our values. We propose the best way to endorse a change is via open and transparent discussion, much like how other topics are being addressed within the DAO.
Why is this worth addressing today?
Whilst everybody is keenly working to make speed and quick decisions a habit, we should not confuse haste with speed. It does not take long to gauge community sentiment and the methods in place today are adequate but can be improved upon. We, therefore, have time for dialogue around any change/s to how community rewards are managed, administered and the methodology used to determine the rewards.
How will you address it?
Let’s vote to determine how we manage change in relation to contributor rewards.
What impact will this proposal have?
This vote will address concerns around the fairness and transparency of any changes to the current contributor rewards process.
Your Vote
Working Group - Contributor Reward Framework Poll
0 voters