[ELECTION CLOSED] Index Council V2: Nomination Thread and Process

I am self-nominating for Index Council v.2 on the basis that I believe

  1. in our mission to develop ( create grow and maintain) decentralized financial products that unlock prosperity for everyone.
  2. we have the opportunity to innovate not only in terms of killer products but with our culture and in the allocation of human and capital resources
  3. diversity cultivates the search for common ground and shared understanding
  4. disciplined people, thought, and action will help us secure Product Market Fit
  5. I have the time and resources to dedicate to this role having delegated opportunities to team members @mrvls_brkfst @el @aakansha @Danilo_dg I would not be here without you guys or our world class growth team and the many other talented people in this Co-op. As mentioned to @metfanmike "…working Sundays is probably a sign to go 75% and will wind it back when I end up doing less, which is my personal performance target 1) automate (WIP) & 2) upskill / empower > hand off faster (WIP). My practice for over a decade has been to make myself dispensable

All of this may sound very unoriginal because I share (figuratively and literally) many of the sentiments already expressed by other nominees and contributors to this conversation

  • Position statement on decentralization vs. centralization at the Index Coop &

  • What their stance is on delegation of decision making,
    Welcome to progressive decentralization, where transparency should be the default. The council while centralized is mission-critical at this point to define, communicate and socialise strategic objectives that align us with enabling and functional stakeholders like Set. The council can and should delegate quickly wherever possible to empower WIN teams. In my experience building teams - clear direction coupled with trust and autonomy empowers people to go above and beyond. Game theory informs my position on trust Play this, I dare you

  • Link to a current conflict of interest disclosure, public to voters
    I am not aware of any conflict of interest. For transparency I am an elected member of the executive Sub DAO over at the Aragon Network DAO (AN_DAO) which I see provides potential for partnership rather than a conflict of interest. Should a conflict of interest arise I will create a similar statement on this forum as the one posted here

  • What they think Index Coop’s strategy should be
    While I think this strategy could be better-balanced in terms of the way the partnership dynamics are communicated we are very fortunate to have been handed the basis of a strategy that we should work to deliver on.

  • What is their stance on resource allocation

A wise old owl live in an oak the more he saw the less he spoke, the less he spoke the more he heard. Why can’t we all be like this wise old bird.

  • At this point I can take a stance only on the allocation of resources within my own area of professional expertise (+15 yrs) which lies with startups and agency and consultancy growth and performance marketing. For everything else, I actively seek out and synthesise the wisdom of people considerably more knowledgable than me.
  • i.e. level of overall spend; any Nest, Pods or initiatives which should receive more or less funding.
    Our Paid Performance and SEO team have assessed more than 200 opportunities since February. 95% of these are no go options. I would reallocate advertising funding to PR for it’s clear return on investment and other more innovative means to drive awareness, acquisition, activation, revenue, retention and reffereals “… identifying middlemen and removing them from the ecosystem” can apply equally to the antiquated models of paid advertising that leverage our attention.

  • I.e. what activity would they like to see the Council focus on, what activity would they like to see delegated.
    To this point @JosephKnecht @anthonyb.eth @bradwmorris @DocHabanero and the AltGov crew have developed a solid set of council agenda topics here of the 18 there I would make the decision to delegate at least 15

  • Why they think they would make a good Index Council nominee.
    2 x EDITS: for Grammar and to add quote
    1 x EDIT to the owl poem which I see was wrong >> the more he saw, the less he spoke…