[ELECTION CLOSED] Index Council V2: Nomination Thread and Process

Just want to be clear here. Do you not mean 30th June? Since the election and ultimately start date of the new council was not until 1st April (there was a one-month gap with no council being March) meaning those that served on V1 Council being now only @Metfanmike, the end of June would be 6 months total, end of May is only 5 months…

V1 council December 1st to February 28th → 3 months
Same elected member April 1st → 30th June imo

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gm @ElliottWatts -

You may find this response to your previous post helpful.

Given @Metfanmike is the affected party and you seem to be lobbying on his behalf, I’d recommend reaching out directly and coordinating an effort to communicate wrt term-length as these previously addressed calls for clarity on a topic that’s well in hand by all other parties are more akin to direct communication at this stage. By way of explanation, the conception of the v1.0 council that determined the polling for this was around a complete 6-month term for v1.0, not two 3-moth terms, but regardless of intent @Metfanmike’s term ends on 31 May 2022 as publicly posted above and acknowledged by @Metfanmike again separately for extreme clarity on the matter.


Not lobbying on behalf of anyone, I would challenge regardless of who would be impacted. The math just doesn’t add up to me, I’m a numbers guy so can’t help challenging something when I see it being wrong. However the process seems to have been finalised so look forward to another vote in May. Thanks for your help clarifying Mel.