Index Council V2 Election Results

Thanks for the call-out again @ElliottWatts -

Noting that the ex-v1 councilmembers (@Matthew_Graham and @Metfanmike) have both acknowledged that they understand are serving until the EO May and the ex-v1 council designed the polling that determined that. The term lengths/re-election timeframes were well-communicated in the nomination post here.

As you can probably imagine, running the poll you have is misleading in that contributors will ask whether the results are binding, and I will convey that no, forum polls are not an accepted form voting for installing a councilmember beyond the established term. This to say that while a sentiment poll is information, it is not going to affect the term length of the two contributors in question.

Per discussion in the nest meeting, the next steps were to seek to understand if the affected councilmembers would both like to serve out a full six-month term (they are tagged here, so let’s use this opportunity to drop that note if so attn: @Metfanmike and @Matthew_Graham), if yes: establish and communicate the differences to the DAO (no staggering, maybe some overlap; again was discussed in Governance Nest meeting yesterday) and then use either ChoiceVote or AltGov to get a trusted result to inform a trusted process and extend the term if that’s the will of DAO contributors.

Please feel free to come to Governance Nest meetings (Alternating Thursdays, next one 21April2022) to work on strategies for driving distributed decision-making, we’d love to have your concerns and perspectives discussed and addressed as effectively as possible!