Engineering Q4 ‘21 Recap + Q1 ‘22 Priorities

Author: @edwardk

For sake of speed I’m sharing this in condensed form. Where available I’ve linked to requirements docs, active tasks, and/or code. An upcoming post will go into my vision for the engineering team more broadly.

If you’re curious about anything listed, I’ll see you in the comments! I also plan to hold an open community call next week to encourage more conversation.

Highlights in Q4 2021

For a more granular list we have a publicly viewable sprint board on Pivotal Tracker (click “Done” in the side menu) and Wizadry Notion Board (soon to be deprecated).

Planned Initiatives for Q1 2022

Product Launches


Rebalancing System

  • Either follow through on IPRebalanceExtension or potentially upgrade to an auction based system (Set to begin research and design). I’m hoping for the latter.

Intrinsic Productivity (Yield)

Smart Contract Upgrades

Security/Internal operations

You can visit the up-to-date sprint board here.


@edwardk This recap and roadmap is unbelievably helpful. :smiley: Thank you for sharing - this really helps us at Titans of Data develop our strategy and make a product/growth roadmap.

cc: @Kiba


The short answer is yes! We must continue to invest in our products with marketing and engineering work well beyond their launch if they are to be maximally successful. The marketing part probably doesn’t need any further explanation. I just bought the most expensive hoodie of my life and I can’t wait to become a walking NFT.

A half-baked idea I have is that $GMI and all our other products are Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Unlike investment products of old, ours are written in code and run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine, interacting with lots of other software in a highly dynamic ecosystem. What we have now is only $GMI v1.0.

How we resolve the tension between upgrading/maintaining existing products and launching new products is something we’ll have to work on with our Product team.

I don’t think we’ve fully thought through how each product we launch can have its own tech roadmap and need ongoing engineering maintenance just to stay viable. Just like every other piece of software you use today.

This is one of the reasons I get worried whenever someone uses # of Products launched as a KPI. I want each of our products to have the proper attention of our amazing marketing and growth machine behind them. And I also want to have the time to allocate more engineering effort when we think a product’s got legs.

Thanks for giving me the chance to get on my soapbox :laughing: