Finance Nest - A Thread of Monthly Budget vs Actuals Reports

Index Coop - February 2022 Budget Vs Actual Report

The F.Nest is pleased to present a review of the DAO’s Budget Vs Actual Report for February 2022, the first of season 1.

Index Coop - Budget vs Actual - Feb 2022.pdf (187.9 KB)

The publication of the document will follow a trend of monthly budget reviews. The report breaks down spending per nest, with additional insights into specific spending also highlighted.


At the end of February, the Index Coop’s actual total spend for the month was $572,529.81, with the forecast total spend being $728,070.45. Since January there has been a decrease of 11.41% in spend.

Key takeaways

  • February saw a variance of -27.17% between forecast spend and actual spend
  • Contributor rewards saw a 12.25% decrease from last month.
  • Other expenses saw a 6.42% decrease from last month
  • When taking into account both contributor rewards and ‘other’ expenses all nests came within budget
  • Product Nest were the largest spenders on contributor rewards at $204,708, only a -1.92% underspend from their budget
  • Engineering Pod came in 3.05% over budget on contributor rewards
  • Growth nest were 1.08% over budget for ‘other’ expenses, with a one off payment to Blockdata at $25,700

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