Index Coop - April 2022 Budget Vs Actual Report
The F.Nest is pleased to present a review of the DAO’s Budget Vs Actual Report for April 2022.
Index Coop - Budget vs Actual - April 2022.pdf (186.5 KB)
The publication of the document will follow a trend of monthly budget reviews. The report breaks down spending per nest, with additional insights into specific spending also highlighted.
At the end of April, the Index Coop’s actual total spend for the month was $559,007.08, with the forecast total spend being $724,250.38. Since March there has been a decrease in spend of 2.29%.
Key takeaways
- April saw a variance of -29.59% between forecast spend and actual spend
- USDC spend totalled $281,610 increasing by 5.71% from March
- Contributor rewards saw a 4.56% increase from last month.
- Flexible contributor rewards were $5,826 down from March.
- Other expenses saw a substantial decrease of 70.41% from last month
- Product Nest were the largest spenders at $234,088
- Product nest came in over budget for rewards, this was due to a 2 month severance pay package for a core hire valued at $23,334
- The largest ‘other’ expense was for SEO payments under Growth Nest totalling $13,859
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