Formal Time-Off Guidelines

Authors: @bradwmorris @catjam @MaryQ

The following time-off/leave guidelines are intended to improve coordination and promote positive contributor wellbeing. We have no intention of imposing a rigid leave policy on the DAO. We acknowledge we are in a critical and early stage of growth and can’t accommodate excessive leave. As such, we are suggesting guidelines and a process to help avoid contributor burnout, while still promoting a culture of high impact work and hustle.

This first iteration of formal ‘Time-Off’ guidelines are broken down to address:

  1. Non compensated time-off (non Gold+ Owls)
  2. Compensated time-off (Gold+ Owls)

Non compensated time-off (non Gold+ Owls)

There is no limit to how many days of unpaid leave an Owl can take. All contributors should do their best to communicate effectively within their nest to plan, manage time and set realistic expectations ensuring time-off is well coordinated around existing commitments/expectations.

If a contributor is expecting significant interruption to their workflow which would impact their ability to deliver planned work, they are expected to discuss this within their nest with as much notice as possible.

If there are extenuating or special circumstances where a non-Gold+ Owl would like to request paid time off, they are encouraged to discuss this with their Nest Lead.

Compensated time-off (Gold+ Owls)

Gold+ Owls are contributors who have been through the formal hiring process and have committed significant time to the Coop. Most often, these contributors are full-time.

Time-off process:

  1. Review the guidelines to determine leave eligibility below
  2. Check the ‘Time-Off Calendar’ for any existing conflicts with contributors who have already requested time-off. Where possible, try to avoid taking time off where multiple requests will likely impact the ability of your nest/pod to deliver important work. Use your best judgment
  3. Communicate with your pod/nest/nest lead with as much notice as possible
  4. Log your information in the time-off database here:

For more information, the full process is detailed here:

The following guidelines detail the recommended time-off for Gold+ Owls (per season):


Most of us have now experienced first-hand the struggle of balancing the needs of DAO contribution with personal health and external obligations. Burnout is real and it is already taking a significant toll on our contributor base and our ability to communicate and coordinate effectively together.

Taking time away from work is important, not only to handle personal matters and take care of illnesses but also for physical and emotional well-being. In addition to improving contributor well-being, we believe formalizing a leave process will significantly improve productivity, coordination and communication.

If there is any feedback or concerns, please let us know.


Hey @bradwmorris,

I’ve noticed that we’ve put out a lot of procedural guidelines and I often have trouble finding them buried in the forum. Is there a place where all of these guidelines can live? Maybe inside of living contributor handbook or something? I’m guessing this might already exist in Notion somewhere but I’m not sure where?



You’re 100% right, we need a consolidated hub for procedural documentation like this.

I’ve created this in Notion:
Procedural and Human Resources Documentation

  1. Are we happy for this to live in Notion - or should we move to Gitbook? Thoughts @Hammad1412
  2. I’ve added in the expense policy, the COID process and the time off guidelines - anything else top of mind we need to add in?
  3. What are the next most critical documents/processes we’re missing? We’ve drafted the performance review and were planning on starting the conflict resolution/management process next - anything else we need to prioritise?

@0xMitz does Gitcoin have a HR/document hub we can take some ideas from?

@catjam @JosephKnecht , anything you’d suggest?

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From what I’ve seen, most people have their policies live on Notion.

I think Gitbook is slightly more authoritative and easier to find stuff in.

Depending on the intended scope there’s development, promotion, compensation, Nest/Pod leader role assignments, recruitment, on/offboarding, termination, harassment policy, …

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