I 100% agree we should have an NFT index. I do not think this is it.
- Twitter posts are not “macro” research lol. There are plenty of in-depth market reports on the NFT space, did you research those? Also Pomp is not a source for anything but amusement, please don’t mention him again
- Can you update tokens to link to their Coin Gecko pages, there is way more information there
- What made you change the tokens between your initial proposal and this one?
- How do you plan on managing the index over time with the rapidly evolving NFT space? You don’t actually have an evaluation method for the selection of tokens besides “strong community” and you don’t even explain what that means, why that’s beneficial, or compares to other tokens you didn’t include.
- DPI has over $12M in AUM, do you think tokens with <$1M liquidity could handle the buy pressure of these tokens?
- You say it rebalances “based on market cap, formula, and DPI comparative” can you give more details
- Set team can correct me but I’m 90% sure fees work similar to Social Traders on Set. As mentioned there is no premine or allocation, index tokens are constantly minted and redeemed by users with no fixed supply or control by us.
- You said “2% -> Cannibalizing market share from other Index Coop products” You realize cannibalizing is a bad thing and you want to incentivize that???
Overall I’d give a 2/10 the proposal. Not much original thought, in-depth analysis, nor a compelling reason for why you will be a good steward for this index going into the future.