sCoop Weekly - 2022.01.28

Welcome to the sCoop Weekly where you’ll get a rundown of the week that was and where the Owls are flying next. Be sure to follow daily and weekly Index Cooperative contributor news on Twitter: @HowWeDAO

The Possibilities & Utility of $INDEX Metagovernance

What are the opportunities and responsibilities does Index Coop have when wielding the metagovernance influence of the $INDEX token. @bradwmorris hosts an in-depth discussion on the topic with a panel of @ncitron @oneski22 @theyoungcrews @AcceleratedCapital. Listen

Don’t Call It A Webinar

@Metfanmike joined the folks at OnRamp Invest to help educate investment advisors about crypto and all things DeFi, Metaverse, Web3, and the data economy. Spreading the good word about how Index Coop builds crypto products that unlock prosperity for everyone and how they allocate to their client portfolios. Watch

What’s new and in which direction are we heading over the upcoming week

Communicating Our Growth Trajectory

There has been a lot of discussion around the changes to working groups with the implementation of the Index 2.0 structure. @LemonadeAlpha, @Metfanmike & the Growth Nest have spent the last both listening and communicating their shared goal and objectives for Season 1. Some of the materials include: Language Accelerator Grants, video overview of the Nest/Pod structure, and Growth Grants Program (Video | Slides). Reach to the Growth team for additional information or to pitch your grant proposals to help distribute our brand and products more widely.

Engineering & Product Roadmap

@edwardk & @DocHabanero went into great detail about each of their teams’ plans for 2022. @edward walked us through Index Coop Engineering’s growth and how they’re building strength and innovation. Miles gave us the big picture Product goals and path to $1B TVL, $1M profit, and 18 products for the calendar year. (Video | Slides)

There’s no shortage of industry and educational events in DeFi and crypto. Along with taking part in events worldwide, Index Coop hosts a number of events to help people learn about crypto index products.

DeFridays with Your Favorite $GMI protocols

Join @TheYoungCrews, @LemonadeAlpha & Bankless $GMI methodologists every Friday at 2 pm Eastern in Twitter Spaces as we have a fun and informative conversation with a different $GMI protocol each week.

Catch up & listen to past guests: Jan 21 - @maplefinance; Jan 28 - @ribbonfinance

s/o @Static121 for the killer promo design :owl:

For Season 1, this section will be a place to surface specific talents needs and contributor opportunities for Nests & Pods. Contact @coolhorsegirl or @kindeagle to create a listing.

Devs, Devs, Devs - We always need Smart Contract Engineers, right? Reach out to @bradwmorris and our Talent team

Impression Mining - Learn more about how your product-related Social, Blog, and Video posts can earn you $INDEX rewards. Learn more about the program

Something to share with your non-crypto family and friends to assure them you’re not working in MLM or part of a Ponzi scheme.

**The Metaverse Is Money and Crypto Is King ** - The Conversation



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I love the calls/ meetings and the management team for the educating initiative