The sCoop - Contributor Newsletter - 2022.02.22 Tuesday

Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @HOWweDAO . (previous issue)

Today, Finance Nest’s weekly public-facing call, Money Talks, discussed current projects, tokenomics, and some relationships with partners.

Tomorrow, we’ve got a big Leadership Forum, hoping to finalize discussion on the future of the Index Council and hearing some updates on the proposal process. This is preceded by BD’s Internal Sync.



Finance | Community:

“Liquidity is the currency of the realm”

F.Nest’s Money Talks (10 attendees)

Current Projects

  • The topic of much debate, the proposed airdrop, will hit Snapshot tomorrow.
  • Nest budgets are being approved/revised and will be presented in next week’s Leadership Forum.
  • They’re working on DebtDAOs to raise a LOC $1.5 to $2m in available liquidity.
  • Contributor Rewards has closed for the month. If you did not submit, just add your projects to next month’s form. Payout will happen by next Wednesday.
  • Tokenomics design is in the works. Expect a well-developed forum post up by mid-March.


@Finance intends to make discussions more intentional, perhaps planning topics within the field for Money Talks. In the meantime, a reminder: There are three pillars of tokenomics, and they are:

  1. Index as a productive value model
  2. An overall tokenomics model based on income
  3. Unlocking the value of Meta-Governance
    a. Yearn has a check and balance built-in
    b. @JosephKnecht: “Liquidity is the currency of the realm.”

In other news…

  • We as a DAO are mindful of a potential multi-year bear market. We have two-year run rates based on reserves with zero income, so we will not have to adjust as the market changes. Successful projects do not have an income cliff.
  • FLI contributes heavily to our revenue stream, and it is likely to become more dominant.
  • IC is backed by several VCs like 1kx and Sequoia, but we are a smaller investment for them. For this reason, we do not involve them in all decision but maintain strong communications.

Shoutout to @shawn16400 for his diligent note-taking!

Wednesday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
1800 - BD Pod Internal Sync
1900 - Leadership Forum

Daily Owlpha: “You don’t need to be an expert to begin sharing your knowledge.” - @ohhshiny
