@gregdocter OOO 8/14 - 8/22

Hi All :wave: I am posting this multiple days before I am actually taking off to allow opportunity for clarification if it is needed!

If something is unclear or missing please reply and let me know.

I deeply appreciate the support to be able to log-off for a few days and get rejuvenated. Thanks to you to all. :pray:


  • What: Camping (I will not be able to be reached)
  • When: Saturday, August 14 - Sunday, August 22
  • Where: Acadia National Park in Maine, U.S.

Responsibilities & Directly Responsible Individuals (DRIs)

8/16 Weekly Planning Meeting

  • DRI: @BigSky7
  • For the 8/23 Meeting: Updating the dates and sharing the deck in #weekly-standup

MetaGovernance Vote Execution

Index Improvement Proposals (IIPs)– Editor & Snapshot

Projects in progress
Funding Council Member Addition

Should things shift during the week, I will update the body of this post.


have tons of fun – you’ve got to do the beehive hike! thanks for the proactive planning :slight_smile: