Index Council members to provide conflict of interest disclosure before accepting position

This is a good idea to ensure Index Coop’s needs are put first. In effort to ensure a standard is maintained, I suggest we create a Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Best Practices Policy. This will give folks guidance and provide visibility around what everyone can comply with. Otherwise, what should or should not be included is somewhat open to discussion. There are many NDAs throughout the communities and some WO members may or may not have NDAs preventing them from sharing they are bound by NDAs. This is fairly standard for the space as IP theft is a real risk.

Disclosure: I have exposure to PAY, which was communicated prior to DG1 and is linked below. However, if history is anything to go by, it is not likely this product will be launched during the council’s first term . It is not yet known if PAY will proceed to DG2 or if it will be launched by Index Coop.