New Official Logo

I think we do need to invest more in brand assets (as well as marketing generally), which is typically the way with crypto projects. Folks might have heard traditional tech folks now in crypto like Dan Held saying similar on this theme too.

If we’re picking a logo to use in the here and now, I’d use the new one. I think it is more professional, modern and brings an air of legitimacy. I love the old one, but it’s not professional to a normie who holds assets at Fidelity and is considering whether to invest tens of thousands into DPI. We used the new logo in the Monthly Update pdf for those reasons: (it’s linked with UTM tags too). I don’t believe a logo switch alone will change much in terms of growth - I think there’s a larger, more nuanced picture to unpick there regarding what drives growth.

But, if we’re going to invest time and money in the logo - as part of a wider marketing effort on brand assets - I would agree it needs to look as differentiated as possible to the aforementioned brands. Hopefully we can future proof its design a bit too, to help it stay differentiated. I think the new logo, while better, feels a little inconsistent between the lines and shapes of the owl’s face and the font on the right.

I’d love to see a future where, after more investment in design, we have a centralized, say, Figma folder where people can go to access and download logos, banners, etc. We’d need to be careful who has edit rights in there for sure, but view only and download access should be ok to have quite widely distributed in the DAO. I would love to be able to access many such assets and use them to create other assets for DAO members in the work - email templates, deck templates, memes, etc.

So, my stance is:

  1. If we’re NOT investing more in a larger design and marketing exercise now: use the new logo as it is
  2. If we ARE investing more in a larger design and market exercise now: update the logo as this Figma folder is built out full of brand IP