Portuguese Podcast Sponsorship

Hello Coopers,

After translating a couple of articles to Portuguese, I needed to find a place to publish them since I don’t have my own blog (and creating one just to publish this one article defeats the whole purpose).

So I started to look for Portuguese “crypto-influencers” that might be interested in publishing my translated post on their blogs. The biggest influencer, that runs the biggest Portuguese crypto community, replied with long-term partnership counter-offer.

Let me introduce you to the community, their current reach, and their offer.

Hard Fork Cafe
Hard Fork Cafe is a podcast and a community that talks about everything cryptocurrency and, most recently, DeFi related.

As seen in the table below, they have a bunch of different communities, blogs, and social networks to disseminate our message.

Here is the translated counter-offer:

HardFork usually partners in longer terms (3-6) months for promoting content in our channels and websites. Partnership is 800 euros p/month, and decreases as the partnership duration increases.

Some partners prefer to do a one-time promotion of content/news, this will cost 300 euro for each promotion.

My 2c
I think these type of long term partnerships are something that we should definitely do in some shape or form. Being the Portuguese market very small, this might be a cost-effective opportunity for us to test out how we model content partnerships in the future.
Regarding the costs, I think these values are too high compared to our impression mining rewards. I propose we do a counter offer or do a single trial run to figure out how much engagement we get per $ spent.

If this sounds completely useless, I suggest we use this thread to figure out how we can start to do long term content partnerships.

The Vote

  • Let’s work on this partnership
  • This partnership doesn’t make sense but we should explore this concept anyway
  • Do nothing
0 voters
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Great to see this. I know there are connections for English content and maybe we could dive into how these were costed and reviewed, I think ROI is key. @LemonadeAlpha can you point us to any resources?

For me, @DefiJesus , can you expand on their audience, were you already a follower, do they have reach across Brazil as well as Portugal, do the follows seem a good fit for any of the Coop’s products?


It is crazy expensive !
$300 for a post for an account with only 412 followers on Twitter ?

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I wasn’t a follower, but I don’t follow anything crypto related. Their reach is mostly Portugal although there might be some overlap with Brazil.
After watching a couple of their shows and reading thru their groups, I think there is a quite a nice fit community-wise. The followers are crypto enthusiasts that are very interested in learning about DeFi, making our index products the perfect way to start dipping their toes into the DeFi ocean.

I do agree it is expensive, this is only feasible if the prices are reduced. Their community is quite fragmented as you can see on the table above, but I think the $300 gets the post promoted across all their channels. One of their Facebook groups has 11k users, and it’s the biggest one in Portugal. Their livestreams average around 1.5k viewers.


Hey @DefiJesus thank you for surfacing this and I want to applaud your focus on distribution!

FYI we have a running CRM for sponsorship opportunities and have prioritized and been exploring a few already. I don’t think this opportunity will meet the pricing threshold that we like to be below, but they are always free to participate in impression mining.

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